Meet Dr. Matt Turner, MH.D: Transformative Spiritual Healer

Dr. Matt is a spiritual healer of the spiritual and psychic variety. The short version is that he helps people get their life and see what they are not seeing. He helps others remember what has been long forgotten and how to navigate life while healing. Dr. Matt is a healer of the healers and teacher of the teachers. His purpose in life is simple, to BE LOVE. There are many ways that he expresses this purpose through his work with himself and others.

Dr. Matt believes healing is more powerful when we focus less on changing our lives and more on learning to Love ourselves as we are, unconditionally. This is the truest meaning of being Love. His job is not to heal you but to teach you how to heal yourself. He believes part of his purpose is to simplify healing and spirituality. He is not a sugar coater. He is a straight shooter. If you’re looking for any of these things in your life, schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Matt is a healer and teacher whose purpose is to guide others on their path of self-healing through being a channel for the Universe. He believes ultimate healing occurs through the transformation of our fears, judgements and limiting beliefs along with restoring our connection to Love. This process can only occur when we are willing to Love ourselves unconditionally.

Dr. Matt Turner is a certified Doctor of Metaphysical Healing and is an Ordained Minister in the Church Of Wisdom.


Dr. Matt Turner’s Journey As A Spiritual Healer

As a child I remember feeling lost and confused about life. I can remember pondering my purpose for life as young as 7. There were always things that I knew and could sense about people but I had no realm of experience in which to explain these knowings and feelings. So I kept these things a secret, convincing myself it wasn’t real. I remember sometimes being outside at night, lying on my back and looking up at the stars, talking to them and thinking about the existence of other worlds and Universes. I truly felt Oneness in those moments. Again, I kept these things to myself. I was a shy, passive and withdrawn child who found it difficult to share my authentic self with anyone, partly because I had no idea who that was.

At fifteen I began my spiritual path learning meditation along with other spiritual and metaphysical philosophies and teachings. I felt connected to my soul for the first time in my life. I knew it was only the beginning. I was fortunate to be living with two of my greatest spiritual teachers, my aunt and uncle. They taught me how to incorporate this new knowledge into my everyday life. The more I learned, the hungrier I was. Every psychic I visited told me I was a teacher, healer, leader and writer. It took me a few years to truly be able to accept these things.

Finally, at age twenty, I realized the only thing I could imagine being in my life was a healer. I decided to attend Delphi University, nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, to fine tune my techniques and learn what to do with my psychic abilities. Little did I know this would truly transform and awaken my life in ways I never dreamed possible. Here, I learned many of the techniques and modalities that I offer as well as a way of being that allows me to connect with your soul in a life transforming way.

My life continues to grow everyday as I learn more and teach more. I have dedicated my life as a guide, healer and teacher, in order to assist all beings on their path home to your heart and soul.