Be Love

Healing School

The Be Love Healing School exists to train and teach healers how to be of service in the world without sacrificing themselves. We believe in looking at the whole consciousness in order to get the most information and greatest understanding of what is out of alignment with Love within a person. Channeling is the key to this and the foundation of the training offered here.

Do you feel the call to be of service to humanity?

Many of us often feel this call, but do not understand how or where to begin. In the Be Love Healing School, you will learn what you need to begin walking your path as a healer.

The Be Love Healing School offers training for all healers. If you feel the call to be of service, you are a healer. There are many different ways to be of service in the world. Examples: energy worker, psychic, doctor, nurse, medium, chiropractor, acupuncturist, hair stylist, teacher, therapist, life coach, esthetician. Any career, calling or purpose that involves caring for others is a healing profession.

The curriculum offered at the Be Love Healing School is designed to teach you how to connect to the healer within you and how to show up in the world with balance.

Courses must be taken in order. Be mindful that each course has a prerequisite other than Channeling, which is the first course, that must be taken before any other. You are not required to take all courses. For example, if you already have some sort of healing practice and maybe you are only interested in learning how to channel as a compliment to your work, it is okay to only take course 1 or courses 1 & 2.

Course 1: Intro to Channeling

Course 2: Advanced Channeling

Course 3: Energy Processing

Course 4: Past Life Regression Therapy

Elective: Energy Healing

*For dates not taught by Dr. Matt, click on the teacher’s name next to the date to register with them directly.

Intro to Channeling

January 3 - 5, 2025 (Lisa Lola)

January 18 & 19, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

April 5 & 6, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

November 1 & 2, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

You will learn how to be a clear channel for the Universe expressing healing and Love in the world. Every person is capable of channeling. It is not for a select few with special gifts and abilities. Whether you currently have a healing practice that you are looking to deepen and enhance, or you are just beginning your journey discovering who you are as a healer, this course will help you find what you are seeking.

Channeling allows a person to connect with the Universal God energy of source and be the conduit for that Love, Light and Healing as it flows into the world. Channeling allows us to meet the need of whoever or whatever may be in front of us, including ourselves. It is the ultimate connection to finding solutions to our suffering in life, as this energy does not come from us and our own experiences. This Light comes directly from Spirit in its pure form, free of judgment and bias. All that is required for you is to show up and surrender, allowing healing to flow to whatever your intention directs it to. 

People from all walks of life have taken this course. Channeling is something that can be added to any practice to enhance and deepen it. And, you do not need to have an already established expression of healing. You can use channeling, as well as what you learn in the other courses, to create a new healing practice. It is also okay to use this process for yourself and your own healing and not others.

Course Topics:

~Create energetic boundaries for yourself

~Learn to feel and interpret the energy around you

~Enhance your meditation and breathing practice

~Create an empowered trusting relationship with your intuition

~Practice giving channeled psychic/medium readings

~Awaken and understand your inner healer

~Develop your psychic senses


Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm

You are required to attend both days

All courses are in Kansas City, except where otherwise noted

Tuition is $500. Register by clicking the button below, if you are paying by credit card

If you prefer to pay cash or Venmo, email Dr. Matt

Pre-registration is required

You will receive a training manual and certification with this course

Email Dr. Matt with any questions. Click here to email

Advanced Channeling

April 5 & 6 (Lisa Lola)

May 17 & 18, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

Channeling can be used in infinite ways. Level 2 is an opportunity to dive deeper in the many different ways that channeling can be used in your life for yourself, as well as your healing practice. In this course, we will explore and practice additional ways that channeling can be used for healing. This practice can be used to enhance all of the areas of your life, as well as give you the tools to make you the most effective healer you can be. You will gain greater clarity on the inner workings of energy and how to use this force for transformation in your work as a healer.

Along with learning the topics listed below, you will have many opportunities to practice channeling to help you build more confidence in your channeling practice. At the end of the day, all you need for channeling to work is INTENTION and a lot of practice. The more you practice, the clearer you will become on your unique expression as a healer.

Course Topics:

~Channeling through hands

~Channeling for self

~Channeling for manifesting

~Channeling with animals & nature

~Distance channeling

~Aura readings


Prerequisite - Level 1

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm

You are required to attend both days

All courses are in Kansas City, except where otherwise noted

Tuition is $500. Register by clicking the button below, if you are paying by credit card

If you prefer to pay cash or Venmo, email Dr. Matt

Pre-registration is required

You will receive a training manual and certification with this course

Email Dr. Matt with any questions. Click here to email

Energy Processing

August 2 & 3, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

This course focuses on understanding the flow of energy and consciousness at its core. When seeking healing and transformation, it is important to remember that our consciousness and energy field exists in layers. Understanding the different layers of consciousness and how they communicate with one another is beneficial for healing. This process helps expand our awareness of who we are and why our life is the way it is. From there, we can receive a better understanding of how our wounds, pain and traumas are affecting our lives. When these wounds are left unhealed, they manifest into our mind and body creating varying degrees of disharmony and dis-ease. This course is designed to help you understand how consciousness works and how dis-ease manifests from mental, emotional and spiritual energies into the physical body.

At the root of our pain and suffering, we have limiting belief systems and fears feeding and perpetuating our suffering. In the world of healing, exploring what these are and working from the inside out can create a more permanent transformation. Energy Processing is designed to help us process through the layers of consciousness and understand the limiting beliefs and fears at the root of our problems. Many of us are not consciously aware of what these limiting beliefs are. We cannot do anything about what we do not know. Energy Processing exists as a tool to help yourself, and others, uncover what is at the root and core of the problem. Imagine it as a blend of channeling, coaching and counseling.

In this course, we will explore the seven layers of consciousness and their relationship with one another. You will learn a specific process to aide you in processing limiting belief systems and emotional wounds. You can use this process for yourself and/or others. We will also explore the masculine and feminine energies and how they relate to each other. Having these distinctions helps us understand the conflict raging between the masculine and feminine within. Once the root is uncovered, we will explore how to heal and transform it. We will focus on forgiveness as one of the major tools for healing. Forgiveness is a process that helps transform shame. Shame is a largely debilitating force within much of humanity. Forgiveness allows us to restore harmony with Love within our consciousness, allowing us to move through shame and into compassion and understanding.

Course Topics:

~Consciousness healing


~Emotions & Belief System healing

~Masculine & Feminine energy

~Processing energy


Prerequisite - Levels 1 & 2

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm

You are required to attend both days

All courses are in Kansas City, except where otherwise noted

Tuition is $500. Register by clicking the button below, if you are paying by credit card

If you prefer to pay cash or Venmo, email Dr. Matt

Pre-registration is required

You will receive a training manual and certification with this course

Email Dr. Matt with any questions. Click here to email

Past Life Regression Therapy

September 13 & 14, 2025 (Dr. Matt)

In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of past lives and how to lead others through Past Life Regression Therapy sessions. This is a powerful tool to guide others into deep karmic healing, transformation and awakening. Our soul lives and expresses itself in many forms through many lifetimes. This exploration of our consciousness helps us remember who we are at the deepest core of our being.

Regressions give us the opportunity to remember who we have been before this lifetime by accessing our past life memories. This process gives us a deeper awareness and helps us understand why we are the way we are in this life. The first seven years of life are karmic. This means that what happens in that timeframe is a reflection of the pain and suffering that our soul brings into this current life. Past Life Regression Therapy helps us understand why we came into alignment with the life experiences that we did as a child.

When we remember who we have been in previous lifetimes, and understand how that is impacting us today, we can be liberated from these limiting cycles. Accessing past life memories unlocks repressed energies from deep within our consciousness. This gives us the opportunity to heal and transform these wounds as we remember them.

Accessing memories that are fear and wound related, gives us the opportunity for healing and transformation to occur on a deep karmic level. When we remember our gifts, talents and abilities that have been dormant and used in previous lifetimes, we have the potential to reawaken these abilities if we so choose.

In this process, we will identify the karmic traumas and/or limiting energies that you died with and have carried into this life that are still affecting you today. From there, we address how to transform them. The things that you learn in the other courses will help you know how to guide your clients in this healing process. In this course, you will learn how to guide your clients in their karmic healing.

You will walk away from this course knowing how to guide yourself though a past life regression as well as how to guide others on their journey of healing, transformation and awakening. The regression itself does not do all of the healing. It gives a deeper understanding and awareness of themselves along with clearing, healing and transforming karmic pain energies. This process also helps one understand how to move forward with this information in life, transforming karmic pain and suffering in each moment of every day. Ultimately, it is up to each individual person to integrate this work in their daily lives through the choices they make.

Course Topics:

~Evolution of human consciousness

~Karma & past lives

~Past Life Regression Therapy


Prerequisite - Levels 1 - 3

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm

You are required to attend both days

All courses are in Kansas City, except where otherwise noted

Tuition is $500. Register by clicking the button below, if you are paying by credit card

If you prefer to pay cash or Venmo, email Dr. Matt

Pre-registration is required

You will receive a training manual and certification with this course

Email Dr. Matt with any questions. Click here to email

Energy Healing

2025 Dates TBA

In this course, we focus on the different aspects of energy healing. You will learn to feel, scan energy and locate blockages and imbalances present in the energy field. We will explore different tools and practices used to bring these imbalances back into alignment, including channeling energy. You will learn about the chakra system and how to use this understanding to help yourself and others heal what is out of harmony with Love. We will discuss the benefits and effects of sound and vibration as a form of healing and balancing energy fields and chakras. You will learn the importance of creating sacred space within yourself, as well as your healing space. We will discuss the Christ healings and the true meaning of Love being the most powerful force for healing. This workshop presents the opportunity to expand your heart space as a tool and force for healing. This is the most authentic space we can exist in healing. 

The technique focused on in this workshop is Energy Healing. As a channel for the Universe, you will learn how to expand the ways that you channel energy into matter from Spirit, through your hands. At the end of this workshop, you will have a process and technique to rebalance  energy fields and chakras for yourself and others, however you choose to use it. Anyone can learn this process. No special gifts, talents or abilities required.

Course Topics:

~Energy Healing

~Creating sacred space

~Chakras & Sound Healing

~Christ mysteries

~Healing through Love 


Prerequisite - Levels 1 & 2

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm

You are required to attend both days

All courses are in Kansas City, except where otherwise noted

Tuition is $500. Register by clicking the button below, if you are paying by credit card

If you prefer to pay cash or Venmo, email Dr. Matt

Pre-registration is required

You will receive a training manual and certification with this course

Email Dr. Matt with any questions. Click here to email