How To Be Abundance
I first learned about BEING ABUNDANCE in 2014 when I was working at Café Gratitude in Kansas City. I waited tables part-time while building my healing practice. I had been slowly building my practice for five years while working restaurant jobs to pay my bills. I had more and more clients each year but was not yet able to fully support myself financially from solely my healing work. I wanted to be able to do this more than anything else in my life. I did not want to work in restaurants any longer. I wanted only to help others heal and transform their lives. I believed it was possible but it felt far away. The conversation of abundance and being was always present at Café Gratitude. I resonated with the idea but I had no clue how to “do” it.
At the beginning of 2014, I read Sacred Commerce by the creators of Café Gratitude, Matthew and Terces Engelhart. In the book, I read about the topics of abundance and being and then decided to reflect on how to “do” it. As I do with anything I am unsure about, I decided to check in with Spirit and ask for guidance on what being abundance looked like so that I could put it into practice in my life.
Everything in me knew this would be the work for me to do in order to become fully financially supported by my healing practice. Afterall, life really is an inside job. I decided to take it on and it worked! And now as I continue to practice and live in abundance, I am fully supported by my healing practice and each year it continues to be more successful than the last. This is possible for you and your life too.
Being Abundance means living in a space of fullness regardless of how much we have. This attitude of abundance has to exist in our thoughts, emotions and actions. Living in and being abundance requires us to remove all conditions that we use to quantify abundance. It is important to remember that we can be abundant in anything, not just money. It can be: Love, connections, opportunities, money, joy, health and so on. Ask yourself, “Can you have nothing and still feel abundant?” When you can do this, you will be living in abundance in the most unconditional way. From this place, you will create opportunities and come into alignment with experiences in life that bring in more of what you are desiring. Creating and calling in “more” abundance in anything must come from a place of having enough vs. not having enough in order for it to work. Think of the “more” as simply a bonus.
An important ingredient in being abundance is gratitude. The universe works as an agent of responding. This means that whomever we are being or whatever energy we put out into the world, however consciously or unconsciously, will bring us into alignment with experiences that match those vibrations. Many of us are not consciously aware of all the energy within us that is flowing out into the world. Awareness is a helpful friend on this path of being abundance.
When you live from a place of lack and scarcity, you will continue to find your life lacking what you want and need. When your thoughts live in, “I do not have enough” and “It is not possible for me to have more”, you will time and time again find yourself not having enough in your life. When you live from fullness and having enough, it is possible to have more. To have more, it is important to trust and believe that it is okay to have more and that you are worthy of it. Despite what you may have heard, God and the Universe is absolutely okay with you having more of whatever you desire. And, they are okay with you having nothing.
Remember, the Universe is an agent of responding. It does not punish and reward. An example of this is Karma. Whatever you put out into the world, however consciously or unconsciously it may be, you will find yourself experiencing something of a similar vibration. It is the same in the world of abundance. To get or have abundance, you first have to BE it. Waiting to trust that you ARE abundant until you are getting or having more will leave you waiting for eternity. Stop waiting for the evidence to prove to you that abundance lives inside you. Make the choice to trust that you are abundant without evidence because it is an act of self-Love. I can tell you from personal experience that it does works.
What does it look like to apply this technique in the moment? Each time that your thoughts, emotions and/or actions fall into lack and scarcity, bring yourself back to the attitude of abundance.
There is an affirmation I created years ago to help me do this. I still use it and have taught it to many others. It works for everyone. Affirmations are tools to help us recondition our brains. To work, it requires repetition. Any time that my thoughts fall into lack and scarcity, I repeat the affirmation as many times as I need until I am back in alignment with abundance.
The affirmation is:
“I am abundance. I need no external circumstances or conditions to prove that I am abundant. I am abundance.”
Over time as you use this affirmation, it will guide your being into abundance and help you live an abundant life. Say it out loud or in your mind as often as you think about it. Say it in the mirror. Write it down. Any and all of these work with repetition.
The biggest piece to remember is to say the affirmation in the moment that your thoughts go to lack, scarcity or not enough. This allows you to begin rewiring your brain and neural pathways to believe that you are abundant. This is possible for every single person on the planet, no matter your life situation(s). If it feels like you are convincing yourself to believe something you do not think is true at first, then you are doing it correctly. Trust is like a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger it gets. With repetition and time, it gets stronger.
Remember, YOU ARE ABUNDANCE. We are all abundance. Abundance is an expression of Love. We are all made from the essence of Love. We are what we are made from, no matter how connected or disconnected you are to your source. Either way, it is there within you. Abundance is not a thing that lives outside of you. It lives inside of you which means it is always there. You always have it no matter how much you do not feel it or believe it. Abundance like other energies such as Love and self-worth gets buried over time underneath our pain, traumas, judgements and limiting beliefs. No matter how far away or impossible abundance seems for you, it is there within you, always. It is simply waiting for you to summon it forth like your inner magic and bring you into alignment with all that you need and want in your life. You are abundance and it is all possible for you.
If after reading this, you feel like you want to dive deeper into transforming your relationship with abundance, check out my self-guided online course for abundance for $33! CLICK HERE