How Affirmations Work

For a lot of my spiritual journey, I believed that affirmations were hokey and did not work. Healers and spiritual teachers would give me affirmations and I would say them for a short time. When it seemed like nothing had changed, I assumed they did not work. I was impatient and would get frustrated that there was no instant gratification.

So, long ago, I wrote off affirmations as part of my spiritual practice, believing that they did not work. But I would hear people talking about the affirmations that they used and how they did miraculous things for their life. I did not understand how they worked for others and not for me. In the past, when I was given affirmations to use for my healing, people only told me to repeat them. That was the only instruction that I was ever given. So, I did that but I did not really understand what to do beyond repeating them. Clearly, I was missing something.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are empowering belief systems that help us recondition our brain and heal the limiting belief systems that inundate the minds of most of us. These limiting belief systems are born of pain and trauma and perpetuate our suffering. Using affirmations to transform these limiting beliefs is a powerful and active form of healing in the moment that is available to any person, no matter where they are on their journey.

I continued going about my life and my healing journey, not using affirmations. A few years ago, I started to notice that Spirit was giving many of my clients affirmations in channeling sessions. I figured if Spirit was giving my clients affirmations for their healing, then there must be something to this practice. So, I decided to go straight to the Source and ask Spirit to teach me the science behind affirmations and how to convey that to others in a simplified way.

As a healer it is my commitment to simplify healing and transformation as much as I know how to do.

After a few conversations in channel with Spirit, I learned that affirmations work because they create an opportunity to recondition the brain. That made sense to me. I have studied conditioning in psychology and I understand that repetition and time is required and is a key factor. Then I was able to see that one of my main problems before was that I just did not repeat them enough or for a long enough period of time. I realized with that understanding that affirmations absolutely do work.

What is at the root of our lives not working and our suffering are limiting belief systems. Some of these we may be conscious of but many of them we are unconsciously aware of. Regardless how aware of them we are or are not, they impact our lives greatly. Our life is a reflection and summation of our beliefs that we hold about ourselves, life and the world. These beliefs are the energy we put out into the world which brings us into alignment with experiences that are a vibrational match. This is basic Law Of Attraction 101. To shift our outer world, we first have to shift our belief systems. Affirmations are a great tool for this. Think of them as empowering belief systems. We can use these to transform our limiting beliefs and recondition our brains. In this, affirmations have the ability to create new neural pathways in our brain.

With time and repetition, affirmations allow us to retrain our brains to a place that empowers us and works for our highest and best good. Every single person has the ability to do this no matter your life experience. As you repeat your affirmations, it is important to trust that your affirmation is absolutely possible. Do not wait for the evidence that says it will work. Trust that it will because it is an act of self-Love. Besides, not trusting clearly has not been working for you. So, how about try on trust and see what happens.

How To DO Affirmations…

Repetition AND redirection are the keys to your affirmations working and bringing healing to your life.

There are several ways to practice repetition with your affirmations. Saying them out loud and in the mirror is one of the most powerful ways. Looking yourself in the eyes opens up a deeper vulnerability and hearing it in your own voice makes it stick in a more profound way. Yes, you can say them in your mind. No, you do not always have to say them in a mirror. But, I recommend at least once a day saying them out loud and in the mirror. Beyond that, do it however you wish. It is also a great idea to write them. Do any combinations of these, repetitively and often. Allow yourself the permission to keep doing them until they feel anchored into your conscious mind. And, then maybe continue your affirmations a bit longer for good measure.

When you notice your limiting beliefs active in your mind, redirect that thought in the moment to an affirmation. The redirection is what allows affirmations to create new neural pathways in your brain over time. Allow your affirmations also known as empowering beliefs to transform your liming beliefs in the moment. This is true alchemy. This allows you to shift power away from energizing the limiting beliefs more and instead energizing your empowering beliefs. Doing this allows your affirmations and empowering beliefs to become your new reality. It is easier than you think. It just takes time, repetition and trust.

The shift to an empowered life is possible for every single soul. But, you are the one who has to make it happen. Call your power back to you from those you have given it away to and show up for yourself and your life. Put more effort into transforming those beliefs.

Sample Affirmations for Daily Use:

“The life I dream about is possible for me.”

“I am enough as I am.”

“I matter.”

“My life is important. I make a difference.”

“I am worthy of Love in all that I do in my life.”

“I choose to trust that I am beautiful as I am.”

“Joy is available to me, all around me.”

“I allow my life to flow with ease and grace.”

“I am worthy of forgiveness.”

These are just a few examples of affirmations. Feel free to use any of the above, create your own, explore the internet or ask a friend. If the concept of affirmations is something that you wish to work with and you want to know more, check out my self-guided online course on affirmations for $33! CLICK HERE


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